Visits to the Bavarian State Parliament

50,000 members of the public took part in the Bavarian State Parliament's visitor programme in 2019. The Bavarian State Parliament offers groups and individual visitors the opportunity to follow plenary sessions and committee meetings. Educational visits for groups can also be arranged in advance for days on which the Parliament is not sitting.

Individual visitors can register online to attend a plenary session with one other person, space allowing (visitor places are limited). Individual visitors can also follow committee meetings that are open to the public provided there is still free places in the meeting room. Before entering the State Parliament building, you must present your identity card and register at the gate.

Please notice: Currently it is in addition necessary to fill in a Questionnaire

Groups can also visit the Bavarian State Parliament. Group visits must be arranged in advance. Requests for group visits should be made in writing and in good time. The Visitors’ Service offers a different programme for school groups than for other groups. The programme also varies depending on whether the Parliament is sitting on the day of the visit.

Schoolchildren get an exciting and practical insight into parliamentary work under the guidance of trained professionals. Classes from all forms of school whose curricula look at the Bavarian Constitution and the parliamentary system of government (from year 8) can participate in the programme offered by the State Parliament Educational Service.

Bayerischer Landtag (Bavarian State Parliament) | Landtagsamt
Visitors & Educational Service
Maximilianeum | 81627 München

Phone: +49 89 4126-2234 oder -2336



MVV: U4/U5 Stop Max-Weber-Platz or Tram Line 19 Stop Maximilianeum 

Bayerischer Landtag 
Max-Planck-Str. 1
81675 München

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