Parliamentary groups
Parliamentary groups are units within the Bavarian State Parliament with their own rights and duties, in which Members of the State Parliament come together.
In its 19th electoral term (2023-2028), the Bavarian State Parliament has the following five parliamentary groups: CSU, Free Voters (FREIE WÄHLER), AfD, Alliance 90/The Greens (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) and SPD.
The chairpersons of the parliamentary groups are as follows: Klaus Holetschek (CSU), Florian Streibl (Free Voters), Katrin Ebner-Steiner (AfD), Katharina Schulze (Alliance 90/The Greens) and Florian von Brunn (SPD).
For more information and contact details, please see the websites of the parliamentary groups and parties. The parliamentary groups can be contacted through their offices (see list on the right).
Under the rules of procedure, a parliamentary group must comprise at least five Members of Parliament. As a general rule, Members of Parliament who belong to the same party form one parliamentary group.
The parliamentary groups elect their chairpersons and executive body. The main role of parliamentary groups is political decision-making and policy development. They prepare opinions, develop items for discussion and determine the position of the parliamentary group on the committees and in the plenary sessions of the State Parliament. Parliamentary groups' legal status and funding is regulated in detail in the Bavarian Act on Parliamentary Groups [Bayerisches Fraktionsgesetz].
In the state parliamentary elections on 8 October 2023, five parties were elected to the State Parliament: the Christian Social Union (CSU) has 85 Members of Parliament. The FREE VOTERS have 37 Members of Parliament, the AfD and the ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS group both have 32 Members of Parliament, whereas the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) has 17.
If you have any questions on policy, please contact the parliamentary groups directly.