Committee on Public Service Affairs
The work of the Committee on Public Service Affairs focuses on the interests of civil servants and public service employees. The Committee on Public Service Affairs is one of the Bavarian State Parliament's 14 standing committees. It has a total of 14 members of Parliament.
The committee has existed in its present form since the beginning of the first electoral term in 1946. It is unique in Germany. In no other federal state do civil servants and public service employees have a contact person in Parliament who is exclusively responsible for their affairs. The committee deals with issues relating to civil service and collective bargaining law, pay and pension matters and the rules governing staff representation law. It also addresses the concerns of severely disabled people in public service, gender equality issues, the training of junior staff and the further training of public service employees.
The committee's deliberations on draft laws and motions cover working conditions and prospects for employees, further improving the reconciliation of family and working life, modern forms of work as well as recruiting and securing skilled workers for public service.
By handling employee petitions, the committee also continuously deals with the employees' very specific concerns from all spheres of public service. Petitions often relate to recruitment and transfer requests, promotion opportunities as well as aid and pensions issues. In addition, the committee receives progress reports from the State Government and carries out local fact-finding visits.